November Update

November Update

As we begin to get in to the cold season, and we are getting well in to November, we wanted to give you some updates from our end and our favorite things about this month. We hope everyone remembered to turn their clocks back the other week! As it is always nice to gain an hour, it is awfully weird to see it be dark during dinner time. As we know when we see it dark early that means winter, and the holiday season is upon us.

We hope everyone is staying safe and taking all precautions necessary to stay away from COVID-19. As the cold weather comes upon us, immune systems are more susceptible to being compromised. With that being said, we will be including some tips from medical professionals to make sure everyone is doing the right things to protect them, and their family.

Updates From Our End

As we mentioned the holiday season is approaching. For South Bend Woodworks this means we are putting all hands on deck to make sure we are ready to go for people ordering special holiday gifts. As always quality and safety are on the forefront of our minds.

Thanksgiving time Gift Ideas: Our new handcrafted wooden cutting boards. Great for preparing a meal or serving on, these handmade cutting board are great for any occasion. Our Woodworks Cutting Boards are hand crafted in a variety of the finest hardwoods. Our Personalized Wooden Cutting Boards come in cherry, maple and walnut hardwoods, and serves a dual purpose as both cutting board and serving tray. The top side has a carved juice groove for carving, and the flat bottom side makes a fine serving tray. While almost too beautiful to use, this line of cutting boards meets the demands of modern day entertaining.

Each of these wooden chopping board can be personalized in a unique and personal way to better fit you! And as always, are proudly made in South Bend, Indiana U.S.A.

Click here to shop cutting boards.

Veterans Day

At South Bend Woodworks, we can not express how much admiration we have for our veterans. The sacrifice they give to this country is truly not comprehendible and we would like to share one of our favorite articles from It is the words of a former Marine and an American Veteran discussing the proper ways to thank those who have given us so much.

“As a Marine veteran, I’ve heard the “thank you for your service” phrase again and again, especially during last week’s Veterans Day celebrations. Maybe I should feel honored, but more often I feel annoyed, because many times it comes across like an empty gesture. I often wonder how many people really think about what service truly means or have ever talked with a former servicemember about life in the military.”

Read the full article here.

COVID-19 Update

We want to keep all of our South Bend Woodworks safe during these times so we have decided to share this nation wide update from the Washington Post about COVID-19.

“The United States again shattered pandemic records, reporting more than 153,000 new coronavirus cases on Thursday as some 66,000 people were hospitalized nationwide. It was the seventh time in nine days that reported U.S. infections reached new heights. The alarming increases in nearly every state are primarily the result of small social gatherings that take place behind closed doors.

As all experts are saying we advice everyone to try and maintain as much social distance as possible and avoid large gatherings. Not to mention always wear a mask when in public!

Read the rest of the article on COVID-19 updates here.

COVID Safety

As we have expressed, we want everyone to be safe during this pandemic. We know that most people know the proper guidelines to follow but we wanted to throw them in here anyway for a helpful reminder!

How it spreads: COVID-19 spreads easily from person to person, mainly by the following routes:

  1. Between people who are in close contact with one another (within 6 feet).
  2. Through respiratory droplets produced when an infected person coughs, sneezes, breathes, sings or talks.
  3. People who are infected but do not have symptoms can also spread the virus to others.
  4. Under certain circumstances (for example, when people are in enclosed spaces with poor ventilation), COVID-19 can sometimes be spread by airborne transmission.
  5. COVID-19 spreads less commonly through contact with contaminated surfaces.

It is suggested that everyone wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds especially after you have been in a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing. Avoid close contact with others, inside (with people who are sick) or outside (by remaining 6 feet apart).

Outside of what is above there are more tips and helpful advice the CDC has to offer. You can discover that by clicking here.

In conclusion, although this post did not have to do as much with the Woodworks as it did with COVID-19, we thought it was very important to use our platform to share things like this. As we truck in to the colder months it is inevitable that cases will only spike if people do not take the correct social distances protocols and do not follow the correct hygiene and health guidelines.

We hope that this article is helpful to some of you out there. If you have any COVID-19 related questions always feel comfortable reaching out to medical professional. We are excited to talk to next week about the holiday season, and more great things we have going on at the Woodworks. We have prepared some delicious Thanksgiving recipes for everyone next week. Be sure to drop by and check them out!